Language Lab

English language proficiency has become a critical issue for success in academic and professional life. All professional higher education programs including Management are taught in English across India. Moreover, most resources that students need to use for succeeding in academics are available in English. Whether it is online resources or websites, reference books or textbooks, journals or publications, all good resources are in English. Most recruiters, if not all, place very high importance on the communication skills of students. It would not be an exaggeration to say that communication skills are equal in importance, perhaps even more important, than technical skills for success in placements.

To inculcate and develop best communication skills in highly competitive market, language lab facility is available at Our College of Management for MBA students.

English being the “Globally Local Language”, students have wide platform to raise linguistic & communication skills up to international standards.

Blending knowledge with technology is our mantra. Our students are provided with the best of IT facilities for pooling in their theoretical and practical knowledge into a distinct advantage. The computer lab is a gateway to a world of applications and information sources that impart the leading edge to management practice and thoughts.

The College of management has separate computer lab for MBA Program, which includes 60 computers for the use of MBA students besides individual computers for the faculty members and the administrative staff. All the computers are of latest configuration with internet facility. We also have two dedicated lab assistant to support students. They are always keen to provide various study related software and materials to the students.